SOC Agenda 3.16.15
Meeting Agenda 3.16.15
President (Payton): Welcome everyone to the March 16th meeting of the Thomas Nelson High School Student Organization Council. I call this meeting to order.
President (Payton): Now it is time for celebrations - what's going on in your SO and SOC Shouts updates? I will set the timer for 2 minutes - you may begin.
Vice President (Maria) SOC Seats please announce yourselves, update your attendance on the log and update the SO Matrix at this time:
2. Please UPDATE NOW - Student Organization Meeting Master Schedule
Vice President (Maria): Treasurer will you please share the balance report.
Treasurer (Justin): Reviews SOC activity balance Google
President (Sadie): It is now time for New Business
Treasurer (Justin): Reviews SOC activity balance Google
President (Sadie): It is now time for New Business
Payton: It is now time for Agenda Item #1:
Student Organization CORE Teams presented by Mr. Bradley.
Payton: It is now time for Agenda Item #2:
College and Career Cafe LEADERship Center Designing with Mr. Bradley
Payton: It is now time for Agenda Item #3:
SOC Mission Statement and By-Law review with Mrs. Warrell
Sadie: Agenda Item #4:
First Annual NHS Student/Staff Basketball Game - Joseph and Morgan
Last Words:
NEXT MEETING- The first Monday of April - April 6th.
Officer's meeting that Monday Morning in Mrs. Warrell's Office.
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