Meeting Agenda 2.2.15

President (Payton):  Welcome everyone to the February 2nd meeting of the Student Organization Council.  I call this meeting to order.
Vice President (Maria)   SOC Seats please announce yourselves, update your attendance on the log and update the SO Matrix at this time:  

1.  SOC Attendance Log
2.  Please UPDATE NOW - Student Organization Meeting Master Schedule 

President (Payton): Now it is time for celebrations - what's going on in your SO and SOC Shouts updates?  I will set the timer for 2 minutes - you may begin.

Vice President (Maria):  Treasurer will you please share the balance report.

Treasurer (Justin):  Reviews SOC activity balance Google Doc.

President (Sadie):  It is now time for New Business

Sadie: It is now time for Agenda Item #1: Winter Formal Review 

Payton: Agenda Item #2: RUSH Week. RUSH is on Thursday before school and during lunch. Theme is "Lights, Camera, Rush. We will set up on Wednesday after school. 

Maria: Agenda Item #3: Homecoming is on Friday. Games start at 6. Royal Court between boys and girls games. Please support the teams and Royal Court. 

Don't forget our themes:
Monday: Multiples Monday
Tuesday: Take Care of Each Other Tuesday (Wear teal) 
Wednesday: Western Wednesday
Thursday: Theatre Thursday (RUSH DAY!) 
Friday: Spirit Day

TEXT @tnhssoc to 81010 for SOC Remind 101! 

Last Words:  
NEXT MEETING- Monday, February 16th, 2015
Officer's meeting that Monday Morning in Mrs. Warrell's Office.


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