Meeting Agenda 4.18.16
President (Maria): Welcome
everyone to the April 18th, 2016 meeting of the Thomas Nelson High School
Student Organization Council. I call this meeting to order.
Vice President (Tristan): SOC Seats please
announce yourselves, update your attendance on the log and update the SO Matrix
at this time:
2. SOC Shoutouts (Enthusiasm Shoutouts to Teachers,
Students, etc.)
President (Maria): It's time for
celebrations! Let's go around and celebrate your Student Organizations! (2
Vice President (Tristan): Treasurer will
you please share the balance report.
Treasurer (Nada): Reviews SOC activity balance Google.
Vice President
Agenda Item #1: Presentation from Bethany
Orr (Boston Book Drive)
We have a remarkable
General here today to share her aspirations to collect books for Boston School.
Please direct your attention to Bethany.
President (Maria): It
is now time for New Business.
Agenda Item #2: Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2nd-6th)
Agenda Item #2: Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2nd-6th)
Teacher Appreciation Week
will be from May 2nd-6th. Each day of the week there will be something new
offered for the teachers.
Propose idea about Heart
During lunch on the week of
April 25th-29th, we will have heart cut-outs for Generals and Leaders to write
a note of appreciation/CARE to a teacher within the building. Hearts will be
placed onto the doors Monday afterschool (May 2nd) at the beginning of Teacher
Appreciation Week.
-Decorating each Teacher's
Agenda Item #3: 2016-2017
SOC Officer Election Process
Section I: Officer Voting
1. President and Vice President must have served on the SOC at least one
full year prior.
2. Elections for the upcoming year shall take place during the last month
of school.
3. Officer candidates must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
4. Officer candidates may not have any level 2 misconducts during their
tenure at TNHS.
5. Officer candidates must give a speech and discuss the LEADER value they
most exemplify while also sharing why they desire to become a SOC officer.
6. After speeches, SOC members will have time to share their insights with
their organizations with officer voting occurring the day after candidate
7. Members must have a 75% attendance rate or higher to vote for the new
officer team.
Section II: Officer Responsibilities
All officers have the responsibility to attend officer morning meetings
in Mrs. Warrell’s room when specified or the morning before each meeting.
1. President -
a) Lead SOC Officer Meetings
b) Lead SOC Meetings
c) Communicate with SO Representatives via Remind 101 (or other form of
reminding system)
2. Vice President -
a) Discuss business items
b) Communicate with Treasurer
c) Communicate with organizations about participation in events
3. Secretary -
a) Keep an accurate record of attendance
b) Correspond with Club Sponsors
4. Treasurer-
a) Fill out Balance Sheet document for sharing during meetings
b) Retrieve official balance sheets from school treasurer
c) Complete fundraising forms
d) Report all possible expenses for approval
(Active upon
active passage at the January 4, 2016 meeting): Communicates with bookkeeper to
initiate flower arrangements to send to the funeral home if a General is to
experience the loss of a parent while enrolled at Thomas Nelson High School.
Flowers will be sent from the Student Organization Council.
5. Public Relations
a) Manage the SOC twitter
b) Organize Spirit Week
c) Organize and advertise the Football Homecoming Tailgating Party
d) Create a SO RUSH LipDub for the first SO RUSH of the year
e) Organize and promote school dances
6. Director of Alumni Affairs
On May 9th, 2016 we will be listening to
potential candidates give their speeches. If you plan to run, you
should notify Mrs. Warrell via email by May
4th, 2016.
Voting will take place on May 10th (all day) in
the Office. Results will be announced on Morning Announcements on May 11th. S.O.s members who have not attended 75% of
meetings will not be permitted to vote. There will be a list to highlight your
Student Organization off as you have voted.
**Note: you can run as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or the Public Relations Committee (Usually comprised of one or two Generals). More information to come about the Director positions. (Mrs. Warrell)
**Note: you can run as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or the Public Relations Committee (Usually comprised of one or two Generals). More information to come about the Director positions. (Mrs. Warrell)
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