SOC On - Agenda 10.13.14

President (Payton):  Welcome everyone to the (date) meeting of the Student Organization Council.  I call this meeting to order.

Vice President:  Attendance for the last SOC meeting was %.  Our goal for today is 100%.  SOC Seats please announce yourselves and update your attendance at this time:  SOC Attendance Log

Attendance (Tristan updates)

President (Sadie):  Treasurer will you please share the balance report.

Treasurer:  Reviews SOC activity balance Google Doc.

President (Payton):  Now it is time for celebrations.  Celebrating Fall RUSH 2014/Looking forward to Spring RUSH 2015.  We have 2 minutes to celebrate.

President (Payton):  It is now time for New Business

Agenda Item #1:  Boston Oyster Supper (Payton)

Agenda Item #2:  Student Organization Updates (Mrs. Warrell)

Agenda Item #3:  SOC Shouts (PR Squad)

Agenda Item #4:  SOC Polos (Maria)

President's Last Words:  


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