SOC Meeting Agenda 10.14.13

New Business

Tactical Issue#1 
Officer duties:
  • President:  Meet with Mrs. Warrell during lunch the Monday before the SOC meeting
  • Vice President:  Meet with Mrs. Warrell during lunch the Monday before the SOC meeting
  • Secretary:  Take attendance at meetings and record meeting minutes
  • Public Relations Co-Chairs:  Submit SOC meeting announcements to Mrs. Mary and do posts to promote SOC initiatives and fliers.  Create a SOC twitter or promotions twitter?  And other social media vehicles.
  • Treasurer:  Provide bi-weekly SOC account balance update to the SOC.
Tactical Issue #2
Overall SO promotions (Syndey and Sumer):
  • Must have mission statements and meeting dates and times in the commons.
  • You are responsible for getting your SO meeting announcements to Mrs. Mary
  • Every SO should have a Twitter feed to communicate with your members about upcoming events, meetings, etc.  Please folllow each other's feeds with in the SOC as a way for us to communicate events.
Tactical Issue #3
Missing SO Reps
  • E-mail:  Mrs. Sekulski (FBLA), Mr. Bradley (GA), Mr. VanWyck (chess), Mr. Nichols (FCA), Ultimate Frisbee (Mr. Hoyes), LEADER Council, Cody Bales, Mr. Martin (Ping Pong)-JoEllyn
Tactical Issue #4
New Haven Community TNHS Outreach Opportunities: 
     I hope you've t had time to enjoy the break and beautiful fall weather.  The Iron Horse Festival met on Monday to discuss our 2013 festival.  I want you to know that the committee is greatly impressed by the participation and enthusiasm of TNHS.  Thank you for organizing TNHS's great involvement and to all who participated.   
     I also wanted to let you know about a couple more events coming up in the next couple of months. 
     First, we are having our fourth annual Trunk or Treat at the City Park from 1-4p.m.  The list of activities includes trick or treating, bouncies, kid friendly haunted house, putt putt golf, cupcake walk, door prizes and popcorn, hotdogs and drinks.  All activities including the food are free.  We are inviting individuals, local schools, churches, businesses and community groups to set up trunks (or tables) to pass out treats. 
     Second, our annual Christmas parade is Sunday, December 1 at 4:00.  We are encouraging local groups to decorate a float to enter into our contest.  1st place is $500.00 dollars.  2nd and 3rd place will be given also.  The theme is A New Haven Christmas.  The options for decorating are endless.  We are hopeful that the band will participate in the parade as well.  The parade will be followed by a visit from Santa and other activities including the lighting of the Christmas in our first annual Christmas in the park.  Do you think that the band would be interested in playing Christmas music in the park after the parade?  Do you have a chorus group that would like to sing Christmas carols? 
     I know I have thrown a lot at you at one time.  Please let me know if you have any groups that would like to participate in any of our events and activities.
Thanks for your time.
Nicole Pinkston

Bardstown Community Outreach Opportunity:
Christmas parade is Thursday, December 5th.  Be thinking of a float or truck or something to promote your organization at this event.

Tactical Issue #5:  
Monster Masquerade Logistics:
  • SOC members sign up to work ticket sales:
  • Lunch Sign-ups
  • Flier and ticket-Joe
  • Lots of contracts taken.  
  • Goal 100 in order to have the dance.
  • Tickets sold=0
  • Promote on morning news-JoEllyn
  •  Facebook post-Mrs. Warrell
  • Work on dance ticket schedule and protocol:  JoEllyn
  • DJ-  Matt Krupp-Mrs. Warrell
    • Also talked to DJ and there is a chance that we can have a photo booth too!
  • Sell tickets at lunch next week need schedule and protocol-Joe.  Sell pictures?
  • Hang up Fliers- Sydney and Sumer


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