Meeting Agenda 1.26.15
Mee ting Agend a 1.5.14 President (Payton): Welcome everyone to the December 1st meeting of the Student Organization Council. I call this meeting to order. Vice President (Maria) SOC Seats please announce yourselves, update your attendance on the log and update the SO Matrix at this time: 1. SOC Attendance Lo g 2. Please UPDATE NOW - Student Organization Meeting Master Schedule President (Payton): Now it is time for celebrations - what's going on in your SO and SOC Shouts updates? I will set the timer for 2 minutes - you may begin. Vice President (Maria): Treasurer will you please share the balance report. Treasurer (Justin): Reviews SOC activity balance Google Doc . Vice President (Sadie): It is now time for New Business Sadie: It is now time for Agenda Item #1: Winter Formal Planning Committees break out to meet. (10 minutes)...