Meeting Agenda 12.1.14
Vice President (Maria): Welcome everyone to the December 1st meeting of the Student Organization Council. I call this meeting to order.
Secretary (Tristan): SOC Seats please announce yourselves, update your attendance on the log and update the SO Matrix at this time: 1. SOC Attendance Log
2. Please UPDATE NOW - Student Organization Meeting Master Schedule
PR Squad Rep: Now it is time for celebrations - what's going on in your SO and SOC Shouts updates? I will set the timer for 2 minutes - you may begin.
Vice President (Maria): Treasurer will you please share the balance report.
Treasurer (Justin): Reviews SOC activity balance Google Doc.
Treasurer (Justin): Reviews SOC activity balance Google Doc.
Vice President (Maria): It is now time for New Business
It is now time for Agenda Item #1:
Bardstown Christmas Parade
Maria: I will now open the floor for 10 minutes to discuss this agenda item. I ask that you please raise your hand and wait for your turn to contribute.
Thursday, December 4th at 6:00 PM - Meet at Justin's Red Hyundai Tiberon
Santa Hats, candy canes, SO Signs, truck and trailer.
Meet at the Bardstown High School Parking Lot at 5:45.
We still need a truck and trailer - Casel may be able to get a trailer and truck.
If not, we will walk.
Wednesday will be the sign making party until 4:00 in the SOC room.
Big TNHS SOC Sign to walk behind.
Wear a Santa Hat.
Bring other students organization members with you.
We still need a truck and trailer - Casel may be able to get a trailer and truck.
If not, we will walk.
Wednesday will be the sign making party until 4:00 in the SOC room.
Big TNHS SOC Sign to walk behind.
Wear a Santa Hat.
Bring other students organization members with you.
PR Squad: It is now time for Agenda Item #2:
Maria: I will now open the floor for 10 minutes to discuss this agenda item. I ask that you please raise your hand and wait for your turn to contribute.
Come up with a name! (Branding)
SOC Vote:
Jackpot - 0/0
Casino Royale - 0/0
Vegas on a Tuesday - 0/0
Viva Las Vegas 7/5
Vegas, Baby! 14/1
Justin: It is now time for Agenda Item #4:
Last Words:
SOC Vote:
Jackpot - 0/0
Casino Royale - 0/0
Vegas on a Tuesday - 0/0
Viva Las Vegas 7/5
Vegas, Baby! 14/1
Maria: It is now time for Agenda Item #3:
School Christmas Decorating
Maria: I will now open the floor for 10 minutes to discuss this agenda item. I ask that you please raise your hand and wait for your turn to contribute.
-communicate with Key Club
-are we going to help decorate?
-ideas for decorating
-are we going to help decorate?
-ideas for decorating
Justin: It is now time for Agenda Item #4:
SOC Polo Update with Justin.
Maria: I will now open the floor for 5 minutes to discuss this agenda item. I ask that you please raise your hand and wait for your turn to contribute.
Last Words:
NEXT MEETING Date: Poster Decorating: This Wednesday, December 3rd. Monday, December 15th. ; Officer's meeting the Friday morning before in Mrs. Warrell's Office.
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