SOC Agenda 9.15.14

President (Payton):  Welcome everyone to the (date) meeting of the Student Organization Council.  I call this meeting to order.

Vice President:  Attendance for the last SOC meeting was 72%.  Our goal for today is 100%.  SOC Seats please announce yourselves and secretary please take attendance at this time.

Student Organizations
Occupied Seat
Academic Team
Loren Schuler 
Kelsey Ray 
Casel BIllings 
Basketball (Boys)
Casel Billings
Basketball (Girls)
Olivia Wimsett
Beta Club
Rachel Tichenor
Shannah Borders
Color Guard
Hannah Skinner
Cross Country/Track
Sadie Middleton 
Dance Team
Kimberley Fulkerson 
Golf (boys)
Evan Mattingly 
Golf (girls)
Justin Garaghani
Maria Shields 
Payton Carter 
Drew Miles
Future Problem Solving
Nada Kaissieh 
General Assembly
Erika Clark 
General Dramatics
Nicole Jutras 
Blaire Bischoff
No Rep
Key Club
Joe Thompson
Brandon Darby
National Honor Society
Morgan Wherry
Angelica Castillo 
Abby Wathen 
Show Club
Shyla Stump
Mrs. Warrell
Soccer (Boys)
Soccer (Girls)
Ashley Ritchie 
No Rep
No Rep 

Coming Soon - Swimming.
Attendance Percentage for Today's Meeting:

President (Sadie):  Treasurer will you please share the balance report.

Treasurer:  We currently have _______________in our SOC student activity account.

President (Payton):  Now it is time for celebrations.  We have 2 minutes to share any good news happening in our Student Organizations:   Say something about how spirited SOC members look and to continue to model for entire student body.

President (Payton):  It is now time for New Business
Agenda Item #1:  Tomorrow's Student Organization Recruitment Reminders

  1. Everyone needs to be set up and ready to go at 7:40 tomorrow.
  2. Make sure that you have someone working before school and during all three lunches.
  3. We will be having SO RUSH both Tuesdays and Wednesdays so make sure you people lined out for both days.

Agenda Item #2:  Enthusiasm Award Competition for HPR #1
  1. House with highest participation on Throwback Thursday will earn the Enthusiasm Award at HPR #1.
  2. English Teachers will count on Thursday.

Agenda Item #3:  SO Tailgating Party and Halftime Honoring
  1. Tailgating will probably be between the football and soccer fields.
  2. Bring tents, grills, signs promoting your SO.  Games - cornhole stuff like that.
  3. Set-up is 5:30-6:00 and tailgating is 6:00-?
  4. All class of 2014 honorees will report to the scoreboard signing beginning at the second quarter to make sure we have their names and colleges.  
Agenda Item #4:  Homecoming Dance
  1. DJ is confirmed $250 and will be there to set up at 8:30.
  2. Students stay after school on Friday to decorate.  Sadie and PR Squad will lead decorating but all SOC members will be encouraged to help.  
  3. We will have snacks after school for those decorating.
  4. Every SOC member should sit at the dance ticket table during lunch to show a united front.

President's Last Words:  
NEXT MEETING: SEPTEMBER 22nd 2014! We will be taping the LipDub. Bring your uniforms, club tees, and props!  BE THERE!


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