Meeting Agenda 10.28.13

Official SOC Meeting Protocol
Call Meeting To Order:
President:  I call this meeting to order, Secretary please take attendance at this time.
SOC Meeting Matrix

Attendance:  All members:  State SO and "represented by" (recorded by Secretary Payton) our next meeting is.....(recorded by PR Chair Sumer)

President:  Treasurer will you please share the balance report.

Vice President:  PR Chair, would you please report:  How many Twitter followers do we currently have?  How many Student Organizations are we following the SOC on Twitter and who are they?. 

Good News Report: 
Members share achievements taking place within their SO (3 minutes)

Old Business:
Dance Glows and ideas for next year.

New Business:

Speaker:  Mrs. Warrell - SOC Board Coming Soon

Gratitude Circle


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